Palace Intrusions – Benchmark 9 (live art/food)
Hernani COR and Ingrid AR
‘Could you eat the English Flag?’ (26th August, Palace Green, Wells, 12.00 – 5.00pm)
‘Black/White’ (28th August, Garden Room, Swan Hotel, Wells, 8.00 – 10.00pm)
Palace Intrusions is a year long public art project for Wells and the Mendip area, conceived by Helen Ottaway and Melanie Thompson and produced by Artmusic. During the year (October 2007 – September 2008) local, national and international artists from different disciplines have been commissioned to create new work in a series of residencies or ‘Benchmarks’ around Palace Green and the moat in Wells. All Palace Intrusions events are free. For information visit
During their residency, performance artist Hernani COR and food artist Ingrid AR will present two new site-specific works: On Tuesday 26th August they will create an outdoor participatory installation entitled ‘Could you eat the English flag?’‘Black/White’, in front of a limited audience of 100.
The artists, who are French and Portuguese, describe ‘Black/White’‘Black/White’ For tickets and enquiries contact Artmusic at or +44(0)1373 467201
Information about the commissioned artists
Hernani COR & Ingrid AR: started working together in 1988. From 2003, they began a series of culinary/banquet video-actions and video-performances, entitled ‘Transfert’ during which they invite the public to explore another way of sharing food. Each banquet has a dominant colour (green, orange, blue, black, white)
Date and time
25–31 August 2008
Please note
This is now a past event.
Palace Green