Rosemary Lee
Independent Dance presents a series of public lunchtime talks and walks
inviting an awareness of, and a response to the wildness and elemental in
the city. Curated by ID with dance artist Rosemary Lee, the four experts will
share their particular passion for the urban wild, and help us to perceive
what we often pass unnoticed, take for granted or literally cannot see.
Participants will become co-investigators in an enquiry: how might a fresh awareness to the wild within our urban environment open up new ideas or lines of enquiry in our own movement and making practice? A chance to step outside our familiar perceptions of place and relationship.
There will be time to move, read, think, make, as well as join in walks and talks with invited guests bringing in their particular perspective on the micro and macro elements of the urban wild. There will be led workshops, time to work alone, to contemplate and to share.
Week 1: 30th March – 3rd April (Monday-Friday)
Week 2: 6th – 9th April (Monday – Thursday)
12.30 – 5.30 pm
For Experienced Dance Artists
Price Week 1: £110 (funded)/£80 (independent)/£65 (concessions)
Price Week 2: £90 (funded)/£65 (independent)/£50 (concessions)
Receive a £10 discount if you book for both weeks
Limited to 12 participants only, booking is essential
Date and time
30 March – 9 April 2009
Please note
This is now a past event.
Siobhan Davies Studio
85 St. George's Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 7091 9650