Devoted and Disgruntled – What Do We Do About The Arts Funding Cuts?
The last few months have been a time of change and uncertainty for all the arts.
In response to actual and threatened severe cuts to arts funding by the coalition government, in September Improbable’s Devoted & Disgruntled Satellite will take this as its theme.
In the last few months many opinions and thoughts have been expressed, in the press, online and in Edinburgh bars about the financial and artistic challenges we now face. The discussion has been particularly active on the Arts Funding Ning for a while with now nearly 800 members. The shifthappens hashtag on twitter has gained many thousands of mentions and we have managed to create a community of action via these new networks. How can we utilise these networks to best galvanise / inspire / move / generate and create new forms of activity across all sectors to demonstrate the importance and vitaility and the need for artsfunding.
In order to harness this energy in a creative and active way we will be holding a day of Open Space in the afternoon and evening of 18th Sept
This will be an opportunity to continue the discussions and just as important take them into concrete action if we wish.
Open Space works best when the situation is impossibly complex, the stakes are high, the solution is not obvious and the need for a solution is urgent – this seems to be the case right here, right now for anyone who is involved in the arts in the UK.
Please come and join us to help together answer the question:
Devoted and Disgruntled: what to do about the arts funding cuts?
Bring your passion, frustration, sadness, defiance, desperation, anxiety, curiosity- bring the lot. We need them all.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Phelim and Marcus
Marcus Romer, Artistic Director of Pilot and founder of the rapidly growing Arts Funding ning, will co-host with Phelim McDermott. In order to give proper time to addressing this pressing issue we are expanding the event beyond the usual evening time slot.
This event is free but you could please RSVP to so that we can monitor the amount of attendees. Thank you
Date and time
18 September 2010
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit