Points-Based Visas for Visiting Artists-is it working for you?
6.30-8.30pm. FREE
Please RSVP to manick@artsadmin.co.uk
Artsadmin and the Manifesto Club are hosting a roundtable discussion for small arts organisations, independent artist/curators, small promoters and community arts groups to discuss the impact that the points-based system and visa restrictions have had on their ability to invite non-EU artists and performers to the UK for performances, residencies, commissions.
While constituted registered organisations can fulfil the bureaucratic requirements made by UKBA, grassroots arts interests are now prevented from engaging with international artists. This round-table is an opportunity to hear these neglected voices, who have been curbed by the regulations as they are unable to bring international artists and performers to local, experimental and popular community art projects. In turn this means that community, specialist and grassroots audiences lose out on live experience at the local and alternative arts scene.
This evening will bring together people to pool experiences and provide an overall picture of the impact of these rules in different cultural sectors. A report will be compiled to feed into the Greater London Authority’s research on the points-based visa system and the culture sector.
Complete the GLA survey on the points-based Visa system
Read the 10 March Lords debate on the system here
Date and time
5 April 2011
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
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