Two Degrees: The Haircut Before the Party presents the Network Union of Hair Salons
8pm. Free. Meet at Toynbee Studios
On Wednesday we’ll be taking a tour to The Haircut Before the Party’s salon just around the corner from Toynbee Studios.
This event will give you a chance to contribute to and take part in ideas and projects around the commons, social space, gift economy, reimagining trade unions and creating new collective languages. Come together to discuss and manifest your ideas and imaginings in an evening hosted by the newly formed Network Union of Hair Salons. Expect buzzcuts and banners.
The Haircut Before the Party are a collective that met during C.R.A.S.H (Two Degrees 2009). They are an affiliation of friends whose practice has been influenced by shared politics and developed within squatted housing, social centres and mass actions. In these environments, knowledges are shared rapidly and new skills are acquired to meet collective needs. The Haircut Before the Party often work between arts and activist circles, but look for openings within different publics such as markets or high streets.
Supported by East End Homes.
Date and time
15 June 2011
Please note
This is now a past event.
Meeting point: Toynbee Studios