LACE: Hunt & Darton Cafe
Join live art duo Jenny Hunt & Holly Darton for a pop-up, interactive performance installation that blends art with the everyday in a fully functioning cafe in the heart of Cambridge.
Hunt & Darton will creatively expose the inner workings of their new business by considering and presenting everything as art. From the food that is served to the people who serve it, from the menus and till rolls to the profit and loss sheets, everything will be open to public scrutiny and served with a twist.
Featuring a tasty programme of brand new artists’ commissions that will satisfy appetites in more ways than one!
Timseheet for Guest Waiters PDF
Hunt & Darton Cafe is supported by Cambridge City Council, Changing Spaces and The Junction.
Date and time
2–27 May 2012
Please note
This is now a past event.
Hunt & Darton Cafe
100 Regent Street