SPILL If You Want Bigger Yorkshire Puddings You Need A Bigger Tin | Lucy Hutson
Times: 2.30pm
Tickets: £7 / £5 (concessions)
SPILL Mix tickets give you entry to all SPILL events at Toynbee Studios / National Theatre Studio on that day. NB some events have limited capacity and you’ll need to sign up on the day (£20 / £15).
The SPILL Mega-Mix gives you entry to events over all three days (6, 7 & 13 April) and allows you to queue jump for limited capacity sign up events. Add all three days to your basket to get the SPILL Mega-Mix (£45 / £31.50).
Point. 1: I was just listening to Radio 4 telling me about komodo dragons laying virgin birth eggs, and David Attenborough once taught me about a plant at the bottom of a sea that grows flowers, which become jellyfish, that then give birth to seeds that become plants.
Point. 2: I am a makeshift domestic goddess and my life is in a makeshift world, I’ve got all the right whisks and piping bags, but my apron is stained.
If You Want Bigger Yorkshires You Need a Bigger Tin is a show about Lucy’s ‘to trans, or not to trans’ search for her femininity.
Mentored by Dickie Beaw.
Part of the SPILL National Showcase generously supported by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation and presented in partnership with the Live Art Development Agency.
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Date and time
6 April 2013
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
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