Whitechapel Green Drinks
7pm, Arts Bar & Café
Green Drinks is a global network of informal meet ups for people who work in the environmental field. It's an organic, self-organising network and a great way for catching up with people you know and making new contacts.
Artsadmin and TippingPoint have come together to host Whitechapel Green Drinks – with an arts flavour. This take on Green Drinks is for anyone working the environmental field, especially artists, organisations and individuals interested in creative and artistic approaches to tackling green issues.
But there is no particular agenda – come along on your own or with friends of colleagues, swap ideas and opportunities and meet new people.
Find out more about Green Drinks at greendrinks.org.
Date and time
27 May 2014
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit