Museum of Water
Museum of Water is a collection of publicly donated water and accompanying stories. Accumulating over two years in different sites worldwide, Museum of Water is an invitation to ponder our precious liquid and how we use it.
In a time of relative plenty in Britain, Amy Sharrocks has been gathering a collection of water for future generations to consider. Clean water is more and more difficult to access across the world: will people look back at our current profligacy with horror and amazement…will the notions of fountains, swimming pools and baths become as archaic as the Broad St Pump now seems? We need to hold on to it, consider what is precious about it and how we are using it now in order to explore how we might save it for the future.
Everyday we choose water metaphors to define our thinking, yet in reality we have become used to defending against it. We chlorinate it and pipe it, soothed by our certainty that it will pour from our tap when we need it. Certainly it is time to re-examine our connection, and develop a new relationship. We are all implicated in this.
Museum of Water has been visited by over 60,000 people and currently holds over 1,000 bottles in the collection. These donations include water from the last ice age, a muddy puddle, water from Mecca and the Ganges, ghost water, breaking waters, Norwegian spit, two different breaths and water from a bedside table said to be infused with dreams.
Museum of Water was nominated for European Museum of the Year and the CIWEM Nick Reeves Award, and is part of the Water Museums Global Network.
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Date and time
6–8 May 2016
Please note
This is now a past event.
Lakes Ignite Festival
Lake Windermere