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An Accessible Arts Marketing Guide

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Weighting by Jamie Beddard. Photo by Richard Davenport

Through Unlimited, the arts commissioning programme we co-delivered with Shape Arts 2013-2022, we produced this Accessible Marketing Guide for those working in the arts to ensure that their communications are inclusive of disabled people. 

Accessibility means the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. When we talk about accessibility we are talking about removing the barriers preventing someone from accessing something.

In marketing this translates to our websites, our print or marketing materials and our social media as well as the written copy, images, videos and other media we use across all of these platforms. Making our marketing materials accessible is important so it is useable to as many people as possible, regardless of context.

The Accessible Marketing Guide, which you can read below, contains an introduction to accessibility, the basics of making marketing material accessible, accessible websites, print and text, accessible formats, making social media accessible and a list of useful references that informed the guide as well as further resources.

The original version of this document was published in 2016 by Jennifer Tomkins, former Head of Marketing and Development, Artsadmin and Jo Verrent, Senior Producer, Unlimited. This latest version was updated in 2020 by Grace McDonagh, Marketing Officer, Artsadmin, with support from the Unlimited, Artsadmin and Shape Arts teams.

Read the Accessible Marketing Guide in your preferred format:

Read the guide in Word document format (2.1Mb)

Read the guide in PDF format (241Kb)

Download the Easy Read version (6.5Mb)

Read the large print version (143 Kb)

Accessible Marketing Guide part 1- Introduction and the basics
Accessible Marketing Guide part 2 – Websites Print and Text Accessible Formats
Accessible Marketing Guide part 3 – Social Media
Accessible Marketing Guide part 4 – References and Resources