This bursary will be used to devise a performative lecture based around ‘Satyicon’ (both Petronius’ novel – the oldest in European culture- and Fellini’s 1968 film, based on the novel).
I aim to explore notions of adaptation, authorship, myth making, authenticity and reliability through two of the films secondary characters – Enotea and Slave Girl. In particular Donyale Luna (Enotea) – who was, amongst other things, the first Black model to appear on the cover of Vogue and the only Black subject of Warhol’s ‘Screen Tests’ (1964).
My research concerns the intersection between Donyale Luna as iconic beauty (in ‘real’ life) and as Enotea, (the character). Running the gamut from Ancient Rome to Warhols’ Factory and beyond, The Satyricon Project connects European literary history, Swinging Sixties London and the Dalston base of the British Black Panthers.