A dip into the archive: Rosemary Lee’s Infanta

We asked Rosemary Lee to look back through our archive and pick a few of her pieces that might resonate in some way with the current situation. So far we have shared boy and this week we are sharing Infanta.
Infanta was made with Peter Anderson in 1998. Like boy, the music was created for the film by Graeme Miller, who is a tenant at Toynbee Studios and with whom Artsadmin has worked for many years.
Infanta is a magical vision of the secret life and imagination of an eight year old girl. Set in a formal but neglected garden, the girl dances with compelling assurance as she leads the camera deeper into the garden and her own perceptions. Her affinity with her surroundings draws us into her world with an enthralling intimacy that has become a signature of Lee and Anderson’s films. Infanta was made as a companion piece to their earlier film boy.
Watch Rosemary introduce Infanta on Instagram.
Watch Infanta
Commissioned by BBC2/ACE Dance on Camera series for Dance Night
Produced by MJW Productions, Anne Beresford and Margaret William
Broadcast December 1998
Directed by Rosemary Lee and Peter Anderson
Soundtrack by Graeme Miller
Performed by Eleanor Horton-Chandler
Costume by Louise Belson
Images: Eleanor Horton-Chandler in Infanta