What On Earth
The entire What On Earth film series will be shown as part of Going Nowhere Festival's Opening Night Party. The Australian festival has been set up to explore the different ways in which we – as artists and audiences – can sustainably generate and share creative experiences across the globe… without anyone getting on a plane.
As well as the What On Earth film screening, the Opening Night Party will also include Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey's weather-inspired contraption Gauge and Pecha Kuchas from scientist David Karoly and futurist Stuart Candy.
The six experimental What On Earth films, by Lucy Cash, Curious, Robin Deacon, Graeme Miller, Matthew Robins and Ackroyd & Harvey discuss the current state of species; looking at some of the pressures on our planet, issues we face now and futures we may see as a consequence of living as we do today.
What On Earth is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Date and time
23 November 2012
Please note
This is now a past event.
Going Nowhere Festival @ Arts House
Meat Market
5 Blackwood St
VIC 2051
North Melbourne