Madlove – A Designer Asylum – Beta Version
the vacuum cleaner
Madlove is a new project by the vacuum cleaner based on his personal experience of mental health hospitals, and his desire to find a positive space to experience mental distress… and enlightenment. The project will bring together people with and without mental health experiences, mental health professionals and academics, artists and designers – and everyone else on the spectrum. Together we will attempt to create a unique space where mutual care blossoms, stigma and discrimination are actively challenged, divisions understood, and madness can be experienced in a less painful way.
A collaboratively designed asylum will be created at FACT as “a safe place to go mad”, appropriate for a society where all of us experience emotional distress. Madlove features advisors from across the health, higher education and science as well as design sectors, including principal partner the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool.
Date and time
5 March – 17 May 2015
Please note
This is now a past event.