Fond farewells and warm welcomes to old and new Trustees

We bid a very fond farewell to Charles Garrad, who stepped down as Chair in May after being a trustee since 1994. Our Directors past and present, staff and trustees want to thank Charles for over 25 years of generous support and advice. We are delighted that Jeremy Smeeth, Chief Operating Officer at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, has been appointed as interim Chair for the next 2 years.
In the past 6 months, we’ve welcomed three new trustees:
Yiwen Goh is a practising solicitor and an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.
Alex Rinsler is an artist and the Nine Elms Strategic Lead for Culture.
Marcia Van-Loo is an employment solicitor.
And we look forward to introducing you to more new trustees in the months to come.