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Harold Offeh


Harold Offeh employs a range of strategies, including found footage and deceptively simple performance-based videos, to assess contemporary popular media representations of race, identity and desire.

His interest in video stems from his research into early video practitioners such as Vito Acconci, William Wegman, Bruce Nauman, Adrian Piper and Martha Rosler, all of whom used the medium to explore the body, space, race and gender as well as the relationship between addresser and addressee…

His solo work includes: Being Mammy, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, 2008; Peripheral Visions, Cork Film Centre, Cork, Ireland, 2005; Haroldinho, Gimpel Fils, London, UK, 2005. Group shows include: Recent Appointments, Leeds Met Gallery, Leeds, UK, 2009; At Your Service, David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK, 2009; Seriously…?, The Apthorp Gallery at Artsdepot, London UK, 2009; and Grin and Bear it: Cruel Humour in Art and Life, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland, 2009.

Date Title Venue City
27 September 2012 Live Art Salon Tate Tanks London
23 September 2012 Autumn Harvest Spectacle Ham House London
Harold Offeh, Hairography