A clutter of furniture hides numerous performers who are on stage for the duration of the show. The stage is lit by domestic lamps that buzz and flicker as if connected to faulty wiring.
A single, unstable character is established, played by whoever appears from behind the furniture. As the performer disappears, another pops up and continues as the character. In this way the continuity of the character is constantly made and broken. Notes are written by the character and stuck up to inform subsequent performers of the characters brief history and of his relationships.
Phoenix Theatre, Leicester; ICA Theatre, London 1993
Performed by: Lee Arnott, Gareth Brierley, Alan Bryant, Rachel Capell, Helen Chappel, Becky Harcourt, Mel Hughes, Carre Hyde, James Mealing, Simone Pound, Zoe Summers, Paul Sutcliffe, Chris Topham, Sonia Wain and Julian White (Department of Visual & Performing Arts, De Montfort University)
Produced by: Nicholas Arnold, De Montfort University
Technical supervisor: Paul Henson
Technical manager & lighting: Matt Hawthorn