The young boy who featured in boy, now a teenager, performed a 15-minute solo beneath a large screen of film. Shifting cloudy skyscapes were punctuated with glimpses of his figure as he swung across the skies. A screening of boy immediately preceded Brink.
“I created ‘Brink’ specifically for Tom Evans the talented performer in the film ‘boy’ when he was nine. I wanted to explore his own movement vocabulary as he approached manhood and his connection with his movement on the beach as a child. ‘Brink’ followed the film ‘boy’ with the screen now filled with images of changing, ominous skyscapes interspersed with occasional, ghost like crossings of a silhouetted image of Evans on a rope swing, arcing across the sky and watching himself on stage, echoing themes in ‘boy’.”
– Rosemary Lee
“The combination of elastic skill and volcanic energy, allied to courageous adolescent poise, was dramatic and affecting. Billy Elliot watch out.”
Jenny Gilbert, Independent, 2001
“Evan’s performance was fresh and alert. The feeling was of something natural and private stylised for the stage…’boy”s suggestive beauty was amplified by the new work ‘Brink’, danced live by Evans, a real-life Billy Elliot… Evans is Isadora reincarnated as a male adolescent, full of leaps and primate runs beneath a film image of sky. His dives and lopes are interspersed with street moves and invisible basketball dribbles.”
Donald Hutera, Dance Europe, 2001
Commissioned by Swindon Dance.
Premiered at Swindon Dance in March 2001 and performed as part of Passage, which toured to the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, Gardner Arts Centre (Brighton Festival), Warwick Arts Centre, and The Point (Eastleigh Dance Festival).
Choreography and concept: Rosemary Lee
Performer: Tom Evans
Music: Graeme Miller
Lighting design: Chahine Yavroyan
Costume: Louise Belson
Film: Peter Anderson (in collaboration with Rosemary Lee)