A Live Art UK Touring Commission at Mulberry School
As part of Live Art UK’s Touring Commission Artsadmin brought Joshua Sofaer’s show Getting To Know You to Mulberry School, London. Joshua Sofaer and his Getting To Know You team worked with over 50 young people to bring the part quiz, show part therapy session out of the theatre and into the classroom.
Joshua worked with the group as a whole who faced questions like “If you had to drown in one of these liquids which one would it be? Coca Cola, Cider, Rose Water or Gravy” as well as four individuals who faced quick fire rounds with questions including “what would you do if all your family forgot your birthday” and “If you were given a million pounds to never see or speak to your best friend ever again would you take it?”
With a combination of profound and the seemingly irreverent GTKY offers young people the rare chance to examine and evaluate their lives, relationships, friendships, loves and ambitions in a mere 60 minutes.
Getting to Know You was part of Artsadmin’s ongoing initiative to bring contemporary live art to schools in East London. As part of Live Art In Schools.