Richard DeDomenici
An international scandal has erupted after it was discovered that key details of monologist Richard DeDomenici’s new show Popaganda are actually true.
Sit back and relax to the dulcet tones of Richard DeDomenici as he ham-fistedly attempts to destabilise global cultural hegemonies with a series of stupid audiovisual gags, songs that aren’t real, facts that aren’t funny, and jokes that don’t rhyme, in his new show Popaganda.
A jetlagged litterpicker of the world's cultural landfill, watch Richard throw western civilisation at the wall, caution to the wind, and see what sticks.
Like the Large Hadron Collider, Popaganda seeks to find new meaning through frenetic bombardment. Like a can of tomato soup Popaganda is condensed, easily digestible, and likely to stain.
“Richard Dedomenici is an excellent example of the best that live art has to offer. Clever, tremendously funny, powerfully political, and unafraid to be accessible.'”
The Herald
“The thinking man's Ashton Kutcher”
The Guardian, July 2012
“Describing DeDomenici's set doesn't do him justice ****”
Across The Arts, August 2012
Date and time
19 October 2012
Please note
This is now a past event.
The Junction