Mare’s Nest was co-produced by and premiered at La Batie Festival in Geneva in September 2001. In Mare’s Nest, Julian Maynard Smith and Susannah Hart were joined by Mem Morrison and Katye Coe.
Mare’s Nest was an intriguing mix of filmed and live action. Four people and their life size video doubles inhabited a real and imaginary, half-physical and half-virtual space, often occupying both at once. Mare’s Nest was a play about double, triple and quadruple lives interacting in the complex, augmented space where architecture and video met.
“A bewitching piece of theatre about the rational, box-like restrictions of modern life and the irrepressible fantasies we conceal within them. But as always with Station House Opera, you need to be alert to the undercurrents. Director Julian Maynard Smith constantly plays with your sensory perceptions, consistently spruces up your mind – the more you look, the more your eyes deceive you. At the end of 90 minutes only one thing is certain: you’ve spent an evening in the presence of a rich and distinctive talent.”
Time Out