SPILL Folk Academy
Times: 11am-5pm
Tickets: Free (no booking required)
Join us for 2 days of shared activities that aim to audit what artists and cultural workers need now, as broad networked communities. In what are undoubtedly challenging times, the SPILL Folk Academy explores how we might activate self-determined futures and what ideas and tactics we can share between ourselves, in order that together we might weather the coming storm resiliently and sustainably.
These sessions have been created because SPILL believe we have to act together to find shared sustainable ways of working that utilise our current resources to the max. We offer there is an urgent need to identify shared ground, and believe that has to happen now.
For more information on the context of the SPILL Folk Academy read ‘How Might We Weather The Coming Storm Together?’ by SPILL Festival Director Robert Pacitti, in the News section of www.spillfestival.com
We have semi-structured the 2 days but are totally open to throwing out any or all of the proposed activities, in favour of pursuing a new collective blueprint for the sessions.
The proposed schedule is as follows:
Day 1 Session 1 – Moaning: Get it off your chest
Session 2 – Sharing: What can we each bring to the table and share?
Day 2 Session 3 – Resilience: How can we weather the coming storm together?
Session 4 – Sustainability: How might we make it stick? What next?
There is already significant interest in this event and we are anticipating high attendance. Please help spread the word. Bring ideas, provocations, and openness to shared working.
The days are FREE to attend and all are welcome.
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Date and time
9–10 April 2013
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit