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Memory Remembered: Lucy Cash Weekender

My Mountain (2013). Photo by Lucy Cash

10.30am-5.30pm both days. £60.
Please make sure before booking that you can make the dates as we will not be able to issue a refund less than two weeks before the Weekender.

Led by the artist Lucy Cash, this Weekender lab will explore ways in which live performance and other ephemeral actions might be recorded or re-membered though the process of 're-telling' – creating new or different versions of an event through various forms including writing, and still or moving image.

Performance documentation is often thought about in relation to two approaches – one that relates to the ‘documentary’ and the other to the ‘theatrical’. Implicit in the documentary approach is the idea that the documentation of the live event is evidence of the fact that it actually took place, whilst also providing a means of possible future reconstruction. The relationship between performance and document in this approach is singular in direction – with the event coming first and consequently authorising the documentation.

Within the theatrical approach, performances supposedly have no meaningful existence as autonomous events presented to audiences, and are enacted solely to be photographed or filmed – think of Yves Klein’s ‘Leap Into The Void.' The space of the document – whether visual, audio-visual or artefact – becomes the only space in which the performance occurs.

Within the interdisciplinary nature of many contemporary practices and in relation to the various media through which work may now be encountered; documents and documentation take on additional complexity and multiple relationships. This lab sets out to explore a range of approaches and offers practical considerations whilst delving into ideas of transformation, translation, remembering, forgetting, and inventing taxonomies. As a filmmaker and interdisciplinary artist who also has 15 years experience of collaborating with artists to document their work creatively, Lucy Cash will facilitate a series of activities which will include solo and group tasks, collaborative assignments, discussion and choreographic approaches to space and time.


Date and time

12–13 November 2016

Please note
This is now a past event.


Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit
