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Palace Intrusions – Benchmark 5 (sound walk)


Palace Intrusions – Benchmark 5 (sound walk)

(All Palace Intrusions events are free)

In June, sound artist Duncan Speakman launched his site specific Soundwalk, specially commissioned for Palace Intrusions. This is still available as follows –

Collect a personal stereo from Wells Museum on Cathedral Green (Museum opening hours: Mon – Sat 11.00am – 5.00pm; Sun 11.00am – 4.00pm – last walk an hour before closing) or as a download from the Palace Intrusions website.

Duncan Speakman’s Soundwalk is suitable for all ages and is accessible to wheelchair and motorised buggy users. The sound walk takes approximately 20 minutes.

Duncan Speakman – Duncan Speakman is a sound artist based in Bristol, UK. His work examines how we use sound to locate ourselves in personal and political environments. Seeking out the poetics of the everyday, he creates socially relevant experiences that engage audiences emotionally and physically in public spaces. He has been exhibited internationally at festivals including ISEA, Futuresonic, ArteAlmeda, Navigate, InBetweenTime and Xtracts, and has created pieces for a number of large scale site-specific events. In 2002 he was awarded the Clark Trust Bursary for Digital Arts he has received critical acclaim for his videoblog 29fragiledays. He is a senior lecturer in media practice at the University of the West of England and is currently developing site-responsive soundwalks.

Photo: Paul Roylance


Date and time

2 June – 30 September 2008

Please note
This is now a past event.


From Wells Museum
