the moment I saw you I knew I could love you : Online
Documentation of the moment I saw you I knew i could love you is being shown as part of an exciting collection of online work selected to compliment the show Gesture initiated and curated by artist Caroline Wright with curator and Fermynwoods’ Director Yasmin Canvin.
Gesture explores ways in which relationships, social interaction and music can be signified, controlled and communicated through the conduit of the hand and body. The online works are a mixture of live work to camera and documentary video of live performances. Each piece explores the gesture as a conscious artistic decision or as an unconscious act to the main thrust of the work. Physical, social, political, choreographed, humorous, tactical and common gestures are evident in these works with more besides, made by artists working at the forefront of live art today. Other artists include Artsadmin Associate Artist Richard DeDomenici.
Date and time
15 November 2012 – 15 November 2013
Please note
This is now a past event.
Gesture Online
Fermynwoods Contemporary Art