Best Before End
Curious return to London and Chelsea Theatre for the first time in two years with their latest performance work, Best Before End.
Contemplating the ultimate and inevitable frailty of the human condition, Best Before End is a show of sell-by dates and quiet surprises. Objects transform as the performance evolves, delivering an array of visual treats that work hand in hand with Helen’s hypnotic and moving performance.
Curious' work always begins in the form of a question – In this instance: ‘Can you ever say all the things that need to be said before it’s too late?’ Best Before End is about finding the right words when those words are hard to find.
Best Before End is written by Helen Paris and directed by Leslie Hill, with music by Graeme Miller. Commissioned by Colchester Arts Centre and Escalator Live Art with support from Norwich Arts Centre and Chelsea Theatre. Supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Produced by Artsadmin.
Date and time
26–28 March 2014
Please note
This is now a past event.
Chelsea Theatre