SCRITS is a space for anyone under 25 to show work of any medium to a group of other emerging artists and industry professionals. SCRITS began in response to feedback from young and emerging artists looking for a space to develop work in a safe and supportive environment outside college and university groups. Artists are invited to present or perform pieces at any stage of development in a dedicated 45 minute time slot in order to receive feedback (presenting work for 15 mins followed by 30 minutes of discussion), initially through objective criticism and then in a discussion based critique.
If you are interested in presenting and getting feedback on a new piece of work please email up to 200 words about your work and why feedback would be helpful to you at this stage. Please also send any links or images so we can get a sense of your work before hand. Please note that all sharings should be fairly low-tech although we can provide a projector or screen if needed.
Please send applications to by Friday 31 January.
Date and time
26 February 2014
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit