BANNER Showcase Week
Sinéad Hargan Shereen Zoumot
Join us as we share the work of BANNER artists Shereen Zoumot and Sinéad Hargan, two young artists working in contemporary performance and theatre in Jordan and Scotland.
Since October 2019, Shereen and Sinéad have taken part in BANNER, Artsadmin’s scheme to support exceptional recent graduates in their first year out of formal studies. Over the course of the week, we are sharing what they have been working on recently via our website, Instagram and Twitter.
Monday 1 February
Explore blogs on our website by Shereen Zoumot and Sinéad Hargan, creatively documenting their work over the past year.
Tuesday 2 February
Shereen Zoumot takes over our Instagram for the day and share insights into her creative practice.
Wednesday 3 February
Sinéad Hargan takes over our Instagram for the day and share insights into her creative practice.
Thursday 4 February
Join an online conversation and sharing with the artists: Starting Out in a Pandemic, at 6:30pm GMT. We’ll share a bit of what these artists have been working on this year and discuss what it means to establish an artistic practice that focuses on live encounters during a pandemic. The discussion is chaired by Michael Norton, Producer, Artists’ Support, at Artsadmin. Find out more and book a ticket.
Over the past year, these two extraordinary artists have waited, shifted, isolated, stalled, rebooted and reimagined their work with exceptional resilience and care. It’s such a joy to share their work and ideas with the public, particularly at this moment of isolation.
Michael Norton, producer of the BANNER programme
BANNER is supported by Goldsmiths University, Royal Conservatoire Scotland and Live Art Development Agency.
Date and time
1–5 February 2021
Please note
This is now a past event.