Sweatshop – Raising Money
2.30-6pm. Free. This is now fully booked, please get in contact to be added to the waiting list.
In October we’re running a new Sweatshop on Raising Money as part of a two-year action research project by Artsadmin, Live Art Development and Home Live Art funded by Arts Council England’s Catalyst programme. The session will focus on approaches to fundraising outside of statutory funding schemes, including crowdfunding, trusts, sponsorship and the ethical and practical concerns arising from these alternative models.
Led by our Associate Fundraiser, Philippa Barr alongside Artsadmin’s producers and advisors, the Sweatshop will share processes, tips, past experiences and case studies with the aim of unpicking different approaches to raising money.
As with all Sweatshops, this will be a discursive, free session for up to 12 artists. To book, email advisoryservice@artsadmin.co.ukwith a short introduction to you and your practice, and a couple sentences about why you are interested in attending the Raising Money Sweatshop.
Please only book if you know for certain that you are available to attend.
Date and time
16 October 2014
Please note
This is now a past event.
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial Street
London, E1 6AB
Tel: 020 7247 5102
Plan your visit